This is a trick-taking game in which some players use ninjutsu (ninja techniques) to manipulate their hands and gain an advantage in the game. Play a number of rounds until a game end condition is met and the player with the highest score wins.
In each round, play a series of “tricks,” mini-games in which each player takes a turn playing a card to determine the winner. In each trick, as long as you have any card of the same color as the player who played the first card (“lead player”), you must play one of them. (You must follow suit.) The winner of each trick gets the dragon’s body, which counts as positive points, and all purple cards, which count as negative points, and becomes the lead player for the next trick. Each round ends when everyone has emptied their hands.
English rulebook included.
▶ 3 to 5 players ▶ 30 – 40 mins ▶ 10 years and up ▶ Designer: Tetsuya Yamaoka ▶ Artist: Tori Hasegawa ▶ Publisher: Siroup Games ▶ Rules:Slaughter the Dragon Rulebook