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Korvus: A Mork Borg Inspired Expansion for Be Like a Crow

Critical Kit LTD

Regular price $5.99

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WELCOME TO THE CARRIONLANDS, where destiny steers towards rot and rust.

In this expansion for the award-winning solo RPG, Be Like a Crow, you play a member of the Shards of Midnight, a murder of Corvids who patrol a dying world, seeking to bring hope to the hopeless and guiding those who walk in the pain of death to a peaceful and eternal respite.

Korvus is based on the themes and ideas presented in the popular OSR game, Mörk Borg and is not suitable for children.

★ A great way to get an RPG fix when your session is cancelled.
★ Perfect for the commute or the coffee shop.
★ Role-play stimulation for GMs and players alike.
★ Comprehensive introduction to RPG concepts for newcomers.
★ A new world and rules for the solo RPG, Be Like a Crow.