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Intermediary Mund RPG

Exalted Funeral Press

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From on high, comic book superstar Benjamin Marra gifts us INTERMEDIARY MUND. INTERMEDIARY MUND is a book. It is a detailed chronicle of Marras Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG campaigns. INTERMEDIARY MUND has stats for DCC RPG and Old-School Essentials. Marra was the Dungeon Master of the campaigns. He illuminated the campaigns with his drawings. INTERMEDIARY MUND is a document of the campaigns, a campaign setting, a bestiary, an art book, and a religious tome. It is whatever you want it to be and nothing you can imagine. INTERMEDIARY MUND is an illustrated collection of stories recounting the adventure campaigns running DCC RPG. It provides statistics for Monsters, NPCs, and Magical Items in both DCC and OSE formats. It is equal parts art book, illustrated campaign journal, and GM resource. 64 page saddle stitch zine.