Be Dramatic. Belt out your karaoke favorites. You’re the star in Jukebox.
Jukebox: The Karaoke Musical Tabletop Roleplaying Game is a rules-lite, no-game-master required, roleplaying game for 3 to 4 players. Over three acts and four hours, you and your friends sing karaoke and create a musical story full of drama, passion, and spectacular showstoppers! If you’re looking for a game where you roleplay stories like Wicked or Hamilton — or where you create the “musical episode” of your Dungeons and Dragons campaign — then Jukebox is for you!
Jukebox features the following:
Easy setup:All you need to play Jukebox are index cards, pencils, playing cards, and a computer or TV with an internet connection.
A playbill for your musical:Print and create a playbill keepsake during play to remember your cast and musical numbers.
Quick start playsets:For faster play, Jukebox includes 16 quick start playsets written by a variety of contributing game designers. These playsets provide plot hooks, a karaoke playlist, and character prompts to help jump right into genre-specific stories. A complete list of playsets is below.
New player friendly rules:Jukebox is designed with new gamers and the karaoke-shy in mind. The rules are simple enough that they fit on a single page.