While supplies last, the purchase of Encore and Off the Rails will include a variety of gameplay additions!
Encore is the expansion to the spooky boss-battling campaign game, Vagrantsong, that will take players to new heights, new lows, and everywhere In Between.
Going ‘round the second time with Vagrantsong: Encore, you’ll find:
* A fourth door to open that leads to a new Chapter with 5 new Scenarios called Bridge of Leaves.
* 6 Save Your Soul Scenarios to bring your friends back from having one foot in the grave.
* Short Trip Mode, which gives players the opportunity to explore the Silver Ferryman in Chapter-sized chunks.
* New In Between cards, Skills, and Junk.
* Smoky Bones, special dice that players earn and find to help turn their bad luck around.
* And enough twists and turns to make your head spin.