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Idle Hands

New Mill Industries

Regular price $19.99

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Idle hands are the devil’s playthings...

Satan, noticing how lazy his demons have become lately, has ordered them to participate in a contest. They are to propose missions of four types: Establish Bases, Collect Magic Stones, Hunt for Souls, and Recruit More Demons. 

Those who succeed at their missions, however, will be expected to continue to succeed, and some of the proposals may be treacherous! 

Play your cards right in order to stay being just another of those idle hands, and survive this hellish contest!

Idle Hands, designed by Fukutarou, is a trick taking game. Each player plays a card from their hand matching the condition of the Mission Card. After everyone has played a card, compare all played cards and determine the winner. The player who played the strongest card takes all played cards. This is called a trick. Play tricks until one or more players is out of cards. This completes the round.

At the end of the round, each player scores points based on their hand, Mission Cards, and taken cards.